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You are about to access a State of Wisconsin computer system. This is a restricted computer system for authorized users only. All equipment, systems, services, and software connected to this system are intended only for official business use of the State of Wisconsin, and may contain U.S. Government information. All data contained on this system is owned by the State of Wisconsin. The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to audit, monitor, record and/or disclose all transactions and data sent over this system in a manner consistent with State and federal law. Use of this system by any user, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring, recording, reading, copying, or capturing and disclosure of data and transactions by authorized personnel. Any illegal, unauthorized use or modification of the State of Wisconsin data, equipment, systems, services, or software by any person(s) is prohibited and may be subject to civil or criminal prosecution under state and/or federal laws, and may also result in disciplinary action where appropriate.
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